Neighborhood residential streets are San Francisco’s front yards, and should encourage neighborly interaction

Neighborhood residential streets are quieter residential streets with relatively low traffic volumes and speeds. Though they have low levels of activity relative to other street types, they play a key role to support the social life of a neighborhood.

Residential streets should feel safe, comfortable, and cared for. Residents may think of the street outside their home as an extension of their home or a neighborhood commons. Improvements should focus on slowing traffic, providing usable space and amenities, and making improvements that encourage residents to take pride and ownership of the streetscape outside their front door.


Neighborhood Residential Street Neighborhood Residential Street Typical Neighborhood Residential SectionTypical Neighborhood Residential Section



  • Need for traffic calming in some cases
  • Need for increased public open space
  • Opportunities for community stewardship
  • Frequent driveway cuts

Additional Guidelines

  • Neighborhood residential streets with wider crossings (generally > 40’), or higher traffic volumes and speeds (generally > 25 mph) should consider corner curb extensions and marked crosswalks.
  • Neighborhood residential streets may include a continuous landscaped permeable strip in the Furnishings Zone.
  • For specific stormwater control measures, see Stormwater Overview.
  • Special paving in furnishings zone and site furnishings should also be considered as capital and maintenance budgets allow.


Standard Improvements

Click for more details about each standard improvement


Case by Case Additions

Click for more details about each case by case addition. Numbers correspond with typical plan below.

Perpendicular or Angled Parking4. Perpendicular or Angled Parking

Typical Neighborhood Residential Street Plan
Typical Neighborhood Residential Street Plan (See above for Case by Case Additions)