Industrial mixed-use streets serve a changing mix of land uses
Mixed-use streets such as those in SoMa or Showplace Square serve a variety of low-intensity industrial uses, as well as a growing number of residences, shops, and services. Their use and character are in a state of constant change, and streets must reflect this changing character and serve a variety of needs. Mixed use streets are often wide streets, with high volumes of fast-moving traffic.
Streetscape treatments should include landscaping, pedestrian safety elements, public space uses, and other amenities to complement current and future land use.
- Access needs for local businesses, including loading activities and heavy trucks
- High volume and speed of through traffic
- Need for increased public open space
- Need for improved pedestrian buffering from through traffic
- Need for flexibility to accommodate changing uses
Additional Guidelines
- Tree grates, pedestrian lighting, special paving in the furnishings zone and site furnishings should be considered in high pedestrian volume areas, or where capital and maintenance budgets allow.
- For specific stormwater control measures, see Stormwater Overview.
Standard Improvements
Case by Case Additions
9. Perpendicular or Angled Parking