Ceremonial streets are the civic heart of the City

Ceremonial streets such as Market Street, Fulton Street, and the Embarcadero are grand civic spaces which serve as major gathering spots for marches, parades, and rallies, and serve as world renowned public spaces and attractions.

Ceremonial streets should be uniquely designed in each case; they should exhibit a high degree of design consistency, formality, and care.


Market Street
Ceremonial Street - The EmbarcaderoThe Embarcadero



  • High visibility and citywide role
  • High levels of pedestrian activity, transit service, and other travel modes
  • Need to create distinct public realm that can be used for rallies, parades, marches, and the like

Additional Guidelines

  • Ceremonial streets are special streets, and should have unique, high-quality designs.
  • Ceremonial streets should use consistent, unique plantings, lighting, furnishings, and paving treatments.
  • Ceremonial streets should have generous pedestrian and public spaces.
  • For specific stormwater control measures, see Stormwater Overview.


Standard Improvements

Click for more details about each standard improvement

Case by Case Additions

Click for more details about each case by case addition

Perpendicular or Angled Parking9. Perpendicular or Angled Parking